Twilight Drake

This is my first real attempt at transmogrification. The pieces I need are hard to find – and it doesn’t help that I am (mostly) colorblind. So consider this a Work in Progress…
…I still think it’s an improvement over the standard look for the normal gear.
I probably wouldn’t make an individual post about it, but this is kind of, sort of, special to me. Today I killed Hemathion, the rare Dragon in Blade’s Edge Mountain.
That’s not the special part. However, as you probably know, Blizzard has changed World of Warcraft achievements to be account-based rather than character based – a change I have waited for ever since achievements were introduced! As it turns out, I had already killed all the monsters needed for the “Bloody Rare” achievement – except Hemathion.
And so, after two days of checking at random intervals, Kitiralaysha now has an achievement worth of a hunter.
(I’ve probably killed most of the creatures with alts, but it still counts!)
Not a dragon, but worth-while prey nonetheless: Andrazor.
Spent a bit of time today to catch up on old content. I managed to max out my Cenarion Expedition reputation; this gave me the title “Guardian of Cenarius” and allowed me to purchased the War Hippogryph. I did want both for Kitiralaysha.
After that, I did the four Auchenai instances solo. Again, this was not a challenge at all, except as a test of enduring boredom, but I got the achievements and can now move on on my slow quest to some actual solo challenges.
Next up is the Netherstorm stuff…
Nowadays, I mostly travel with Shelly, my turtle, or Silky, my spider, because they are both able to pin a foe down while I pepper it from afar with piercing arrows. While Kitira was still living as a Night Elf, she mostly used a Frost Saber, because of the combination of Frost Saber mount, Frost Saber pet, and Frost Saber companion pet.
Still, there is only one true companion for Kitiralaysha. A pet she befriended way back when she was level<20: The Ghost Cat.
I won’t claim that I was the first to tame one of the ghost saber cats – that would be absurdly unlikely – but I was surely among the very early ones. And a little proud that I figured it out by myself, rather than being told by others.
The cat did, by the way, accompany me to my life as an undercover agent among the Horde:
Another dragon subjugated, as a result of beating the Ulduar hard modes. Brann Bronzebeard sent me this beautiful drake: